Salut, suntem NOELAND

Construim Branduri Sincere pentru Oameni Autentici prin design de brand strategic și creativ,
în beneficiul oamenilor și al businessurilor din toate industriile.

ce zic partenerii nostri despre noi:

Colaborand cu Noeland, am descoperit o noua viziune, a ceea ce inseamna brandul Felicia. Suntem recunoscatori pentru proactivitatea si sustinerea primita de la Denisa si Andreea, in acest proiect. Credem ca noua identitate va creste brandul nostru in comunitatea ieseana. Multumim, Noeland!

Cosmina Hanganu, CBRE Romania | Asset Services | Felicia Shopping Center

Working with Noeland is equivalent to making amazing artwork using the tools of mathematics.

When we met the team we were a boat drifting aimlessly towards a never ending horizon. They skillfully took control and together we managed to sail to safe land.

We got a solid branding packed with various tools making us communicate with our existing clients and potential new ones the right way.

One of our best decisions since our company got into existence was to hire Noeland.

Eugen Mandric, CEO Pipe Design

Inainte de a fi Zimbria eram doar niste producatori de produse bune din Galati. In urma procesului de rebranding cu Noeland am devenit proprietari ai unui brand.

Marius & Maria Verdesi,

Am apelat la Andreea Lupu intr-un moment in care compania pe care o conduc isi cauta o noua identitate – atat interna, cat si externa, in fata clientilor si competitorilor -, in urma achizitiei recente al carei obiect fusese compania noastra. Cu profesionalism, blandete, umor, dar si mana forte, Andreea a reusit sa captureze ‘the smell of the place’, punctele forte, dar si slabiciunile culturii organizatiei noastre si sa ne ajute, intr-un melange inedit de training & workshop, sa ne definim si sa internalizam cine vrem si avem nevoie sa fim. O recomanda atat maturitatea personala, cat si experienta indelungata in construirea de identitate de brand si de portofoliu.

Alina Stepan,

Working with Noeland has been a very natural decision for us as we know Andreea and Denisa long enough so as to have the guarantee of a very efficient collaboration. They got to know thoroughly our style, our needs and desires, our vision related to brand building and Unlock style. But besides that, we always appreciated their empathy and flexibility, their desire to connect authentically to the real DNA of the brands they work with and their willingness to upgrade their work in every project we had. We feel that
Noeland is one of the few branding agencies on the market that enliven brands with emotions, not just with engines and looks .”

Adina Vlad,

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